Colonial Americans despised the legal fraternity. Recognizing this, the lawyer majority in drafting the new Constitution in the Philadelphia Convention, and later the Bill of Rights in the First Congress, made certain they did not once place in either document the words lawyer, attorney, attorney general, United States attorney or prosecutor. Read and then enlighten others on how lawyers, without authorization, were gradually brought into the American Constitutional system in order to take command of it. It commenced on February 5, 1790 the US Supreme Court's third day of doing business. The first three "practitioners before the Bar were admitted as counselors ... and Rules of Court were adopted as to the form of writs and as to the admission of counselors and attorneys." At that time, without any Constitutional authority whatsoever, five United States Supreme Court Justices and Chief Justice John Jay, all former crown lawyers, "ordered... it shall be requisite to the admission of attorneys or counselors to practice in this court, that they shall have been such for three years past in the Supreme Court of the State to which they respectively belong ...”

That was the beginning of government by lawyers.

It was supposed to be a government of the people, so with the advice and consent of the Senate, the President had appointed Justices of the Supreme Court. No other Constitutional qualifications or limitations exist for those who would be a Judge. The Supreme Court had to accept any person whom President Washington had appointed to be a member of that Court. If Judges, nominees by the President, weren't required to be lawyers - those who practice before the Justices certainly did not have to be. The word lawyer and the qualification for them does not appear once in the Constitution. For good reason, the Constitution does not authorize the Courts to make rules for conducting its business. But as its first business, the Jay Court brazenly and unconstitutionally made and adopted Rules "as to the form of writs and as to the admission of counselors and attorneys."

The people had ratified the Constitution because it clearly provided that a layperson would be the elected President and lay people would be the elected members of Congress. Most importantly, lay people would sit as judges on the Supreme Court and the people in general would sit as judges on every Grand and Trial Jury Body. The Jay Court made rules that were copies of British writs and also admitted "Officers of the Court" who would obediently follow British writs. So the Supreme Court that was supposed to protect the American people from a Congress or President who would violate the Constitution became the biggest threat to the new Constitutional system of and by the people. The Supreme Court in one stroke, in the beginning, denied forever the American people a proper and honest Judicial forum in which they could challenge and obtain Constitutional redress without the intercession of high-priced lawyers and complicated self-serving rules.

In order for the reader to see the extensive damage done by the First Supreme Court, let's continue on with the action of that Court. On February 8th, 9th and 10th, "the only business transacted was the admission of sixteen further counselors and seven attorneys. Of the nineteen counselors admitted at this first Term ... two were Senators and nine were Representatives present in New York attending the First Congress." An Anti-Federalist publication stated: "It is alarming to find so many Members of Congress sworn into the Federal Court at its very first sitting in New York. The question then is whether it is proper that Congress should consist of so large a proportion of members who are sworn attorneys in the Federal Courts...

To avoid questions or challenge, the lawyers who dominated the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, purposely omitted the oath that was to be taken by members elected to the Congress. Without the taking of a constitutional oath by its own members, the First Congress was not authorized to commence any duty or Constitutional function whatsoever. Furthermore the Constitution does not provide a stated and explicit number of Supreme Court Justices that were to be appointed to the First Supreme Court Bench, nor was there a Constitutional oath that the Supreme Court Justices were required to take before they entered upon their duties. The Founders promised the people there would be three departments of government and each was to be a check upon the other. So from the very first day of doing business, a Supreme Court had to be sitting and available to the people to challenge any unconstitutional act by Congress or the President. The Founders betrayed the people. A Supreme Court was not made available for eleven months. During that time, the Congress and President Washington were engaged in the usurpation of key Constitutional processes and Bill of Rights provisions.

The following are examples.

Under the new Constitution, the very first law enacted was on June 1, 1789 when Congress passed the Oath Bill. President Washington, badly, influenced by the many lawyers in the First Congress, signed the Bill into law. Washington was not authorized to sign the Oath Bill. He knew that members of the House and Senate, while not under a Constitutional oath, had been doing business since April 6th, 1789 when both Houses first achieved a quorum.

For months, Washington was fully aware that a Supreme Court would purposely not be made available to the people to challenge the First Congress, and his own unchecked usurpation. He disregarded the Constitution and continued to unconstitutionally sign bills into law for eleven months. During that eleven-month period, the Constitution was drastically changed from a document that was to be run by a Court and Congress operated by laypersons into a system run by lawyers. The American people fought the Revolution to rid the government of the English system and all its lawyers. The people believed, under the new Constitutional system, lawyer prosecutors, lawyer judges, and just plain lawyers would no longer be tolerated. But the lawyers and money trusts, who support each other, would not surrender their tenacious grip on the powers of all three departments of government. The Judicial Power would not be the weakest, as Hamilton had falsely informed the people in #78 of the Federalist Papers. Judicial officers would instead gain and hold control of, all three departments of government.

The First Congress ignored most of the worthy proposals submitted to its body by the Ratifying Conventions, to limit powers of the federal judiciary. Without a Supreme Court sitting and available to the people, the First Congress committed the ultimate tyranny. It submitted the inalienable rights of the people as an amendment to be ratified by the State Legislatures.

It was all a part of a treasonous plot.

The lawyer-dominated State Legislatures would purposely delay "ratification" of the Bill of Rights for twenty-seven months. That would give the newly established Jay Court the time to re-establish the British judicial system that the American people had suffered and died in overthrowing. is here to inspire the sovereign People of the united States to learn about the de jure common law grand jury. People have the right to act as a balance of power against a corrupt government that tries to usurp their Constitutionally limited powers.

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