1968 Gun Control Act (Brady Act) by Senator Thomas Dodd was modeled on Nazi law.
The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Pub.L. 103-159, 107 Stat. 1536) is an Act of the United States Congress, November 1993
From the Gateway to Tyranny Book
"Gun Control" Gateway to Tyranny should be the gateway to political extinction for politicians pushing gun control. If more voters understand that gun control really means Nazi people control laws, we might expect to see gun control laws leaving the law books; not being added to the books." - Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America, website www.gunowners.org
"I can't say it surprises me that the 1968 Gun Control Act by Senator Thomas Dodd was modeled on Nazi law. I do find it surprising that Senator Dodd made no attempt to conceal this fact. " - John Ross, author, "Unintended Consequences"
"Self-defense is a natural born and inalienable right. When the "People" lose the right to defend themselves, they move quickly from citizens to subjects! JPFO's "Gun Control - Gateway to Tyranny" is a fascinating look at the history of gun control laws in the United States. You'll learn startling facts you were never meant to know.
- Tim Schmidt, Executive Director & Founder, U.S. Concealed Carry Association, website www.usconcealedcarry.com
"When I learned (and then red the details) of the Gun Control Act of 1968 being an English translation of the 1938 Nazi Gun Laws I was surprised, shocked and disappointed. When I learned that senior management people at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives knew this and did not care, it hurt my heart." - John Moore. John Moore has been a homicide detective and private investigator for over 30 years. A decorated Vietnam Vet, his website is: www.thelibertyman.com
See Part III - 1938: the Nazis Pass a "Gun Control" Law of Their Own
Published by: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
P.O. Box 270143 • Hartford, Wisconsin 53027
Phone 262-673-9745 • Fax 262-673-9746 • www.jpfo.org
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